Designing a room for a teenager can be a troublesome task. Why? Because the choice of a teen highly varies from that of an adult. It is necessary to design a room that emits positive vibes. As a teenager, he will experience certain things that are new and unexpected. In that case, the only escape from the outside world is the room he lives in. You understand the importance of a proper design now, right?
Now, for designing the room one thing you need to consider is the room should reflect who he really is. This means that you need to design the room in a way that reflects your teen’s personality. It is important to think from a teenager’s perspective while designing the room. Adults prefer calm and composed rooms but teenagers need a vibrant room. Here are some things you need to keep in mind while choosing the room design.
It Is More Than Just A Place To Sleep
Teenagers are more likely to spend their time in the room. This means that the room should have more than just a cozy bed. You need to understand that they will sleep, study and relax with their friends in the room. First, you need an appropriate study table, lounge, and a cozy bed.
If the teen is a bookworm, then a bookcase is something you should not forget.
Motivation For Teen Room Design Is The Key
We have often seen teens committing suicide because of stress and addiction to a certain drug. Let’s be honest, they rarely share what’s going on in their life even when you think you know everything. In this scenario, is there something you can do to boost them up? Well, definitely yes. You can stick motivational quotes on the walls such as
- Never give up.
- This is just a bad day, not a bad life
- You got this!
- Work smart not hard
- Face your fear and it will lose its power on you
- What next?
These were a few examples of the quotes you can stick on. These are essential as it will help your teen face difficult moments. A motivating surrounding creates a huge impact on the brain. Do not miss this one!
Wall Decoration For Teen Room Design
Color the walls using vibrant colors. You can go for wallpapers that will add to the look of the room. Consider hanging posters related to their favorite band or web series, etc. The overall purpose is to make him comfortable in his own space. If the teen is interested in music, you can go for a wall art related to guitar and stuff. If he is more into books, you can consider a wall art related to that. The point here is to design the room related to the things he is interested in.
These were some teen room design ideas you must count on. Try to design the room of his interest as you know he will spend most of the time here. The room should always motivate and boost his energy when he is feeling low. The point of designing the room related to the stuff of his interest is that it will help him in times he is on the verge of giving up. If not for something else, he will continue for his dreams and goals. Try to make it as appealing as you can.