Providing Best Guest Rooms according to me should be the priority of the host. That is because, when you give the best to your tenant, they will pay back to you for the same. Try to endeavor agreeable additions and make sure that your guest room is comfortable and relaxing enough to stay. Think about how to make the room spacious for various kinds of storage.
I still remember- when I used to live as a tenant in a guest room, I used to howl for everything that was provided there- spooky, old and awkward furniture, cracks on walls, disturbed mornings and nights because of unexpected chaos and snarls, and sharing of everything with nasty and hostile roommates.
Uh-oh… It feels like a nightmare! Now being an owner how will I allow someone to live the way I did at my times?
So, I had assembled a list of tasks that every owner should look for in order to build a nice and presentable guest room. Look out for all those things that are specified herewith before offering any tenant.
Essentials Required For The Best Guest Room
Being a lifestyle blog, there are a lot of things that can be designed and thought of for decoration of a guest room.
But, for people like us, who just think of renting their room with the same old styled mismatched furniture, bed-sheets, and carpets- here are some new altered ideas that are quite simple but somewhat modified so that you deliver a presentable room to your aspiring tenants.
Let us start with the basics and essentials-
- Clean towels for bath use and a set of clean sheets.
- Tissues and Dustbins
- Pair of Blankets
- Room heater or Air conditioners (according to the weather and place)
- Bathroom accessories and essentials- hooks for towels and napkins, soap cases, toiletries, and last but not least a bath stool (if in case there is no shower facility available)
- Glass for Drinking water (it is better instead of directly gulping from the tap)
Superior Enhancements For The Best Guest Room
- The first and the most important thing that you can ensure- A noise control machine! (if you live in a boisterous or raucous place)- Your prospective tenant will simply love it! (Inspired by my true story)
- After that provide a table near the bed with water, a night lamp sort of light, and a clock.
- Mirror on the wall will be a bonus for any aspiring tenant.
- Again here, many of us, might think that what is the sense in providing new mattresses for tenants? The old one is fantastic for the guests and so on! Yes, that is fine- do not waste your time and money for investing in new mattresses and beds but – upgradations can be done by spending some little bucks on pillows or pillow covers and a little bit on changing the foam of mattresses (at least top foam).
- Racks or wardrobe for suitcases and other luggage. (here the word wardrobe may amaze you- but do not worry a simple framework of rack furniture will do)
Hosting is a bit difficult. But still, if you will think and feel how you would live in the room the same way for your tenants you can provide the best to your guest tenants as well.
Enjoy Hosting!